Hayashi and Kato Laboratory  List of prizes

Recognition name Kankyo Kouritsu Award 2009

Recipient of a prize Nagoya University Graduate School of Environmental Studies Kato Laboratory
Day of a prize December 11, 2009
Title 交通システムにおける環境効率指標と交通エコレポートの提案
(Meaning: Proposal of environmental efficiency index and traffic Eco-report in traffic system)
Recognition name The International Forum on Urbanism (IFOU) Best Paper Award

Recipient of a prize Xianmin Mai, Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Teng Su
Day of a prize November 28, 2009
Title Uncertainty Gap between Land Use Planning Decision Making and Implementation- Analysis of the Greenbelt policies of Beijing, China
Recognition name Civil Engineering association central part branch excellence research announcement prize 2008

Recipient of a prize Yuta Suzuki, Naoki Shibahara, Yutaka Kawazoe, Hirokazu Kato,Yoshitstugu Hayashi
Day of a prize April 15, 2009
Title 都市域を対象とするライフサイクル環境負荷・維持コスト・QOL 推計システムの基礎的検討
(Meaning: Basic examination of negative environmental impact of life cycle intended, maintenance cost, and QOL estimate system for urban area)
Recognition name The best paper prize for year 2008 of International Journal of Urban Sciences

Recipient of a prize K.Bhandari, H.Kato, Y.Hayashi
Day of a prize January 20, 2009
Title MRTS System in Delhi: Increase in Mode Choice and its Mobility and Equity Implications
Recognition name International airlift society service commendation

Recipient of a prize Yoshistugu Hayashi
Day of a prize May 28, 2006
Recognition name Civil Engineering association environmental prize 2005

Recipient of a prize Yoshistugu Hayashi, Hirokazu Kato, and another seven people
Day of a prize May 26, 2006
Title CUTE(International Comparative Study on Urban Transport and the Environment)プロジェクト
Recognition name International traffic safety society prize 2005 (achievement sector)

Recipient of a prize Urban traffic and Environment project(Yoshistugu Hayashi, Hirokazu Kato, and another seven people)
Day of a prize April 21, 2006
Title 国際共同研究プロジェクトの推進とその成果としての「都市交通と環境−課題と政策−」の出版
(Meaning: Publication of promotion and the result of joint international research project「Urban traffic and environment. Problem and policy. 」)
Recognition name Japanese environmental symbiosis society writing prize

Recipient of a prize Hideo Nakamura, Yoshistugu Hayashi, Kazuaki Miyamoto
Day of a prize October 22, 2005
Title Urban traffic and environment -Problem and policy-
Recognition name The world traffic society orange prize

Recipient of a prize Yoshistugu Hayashi
Day of a prize July 8, 2004
Recognition name Traffic books prize

Day of a prize Jin Ieta, Moku Okanami, International traffic safety society city and transport study group(Yoshistugu Hayashi, and another seven people)
Day of a prize Fiscal year 2003
Title Urban renewal-Answer from traffic study
Recognition name Japan Real Estate Society Prize (writing prize)

Recipient of a prize Yoshistugu Hayashi
Day of a prize May 21, 2003
Title 都市と環境の公共政策−日本経済再生に向けて−
(Meaning: Public-interest policy of city and environment -Do aiming at a Japanese economic reproduction-)
Recognition name The 56th time of Civil Engineering association annual science lecture meeting excellence lecture prize

Recipient of a prize Daisaku Takasuga, Yoshistugu Hayashi, Hirokazu Kato
Day of a prize October 4, 2001
Title 商業活力に着目した地方都市の魅力向上のための立地・交通施策に関する一考察
(Meaning: Consideration concerning location and traffic measure for charm improvement of suburban city in which it paid attention to commercial energies)
Recognition name Asian traffic society service prize

Recipient of a prize Yoshistugu Hayashi
Day of a prize September 17, 1999
Recognition name "Road and traffic thesis prize" economic city news department gate

Recipient of a prize Hirohumi Kim, Yoshistugu Hayashi
Day of a prize 1999年5月25日
Title 自動車関係(諸)税収の都市鉄道への充当妥当性に関する一評価手法の構築と中京圏への適用
(Meaning: Application to construction of one evaluation technique of revenue related to car concerning allotment validity to urban railway and sphere of inside capital)